Dr. No: Barry Disagrees … A Lot

WASHINGTON -- Mayor for Life -- and current D.C. councilman -- Marion Barry seems to be playing devil's advocate frequently these days.

When 12 of the 13 council members voted in favor of recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states, Barry voted against it. A supporter of gay rights, Barry said he cast his vote against the bill in order to represent his constituents in Ward 8.

Last week, Barry drafted emergency legislation to protect used car dealers as Mayor Adrian Fenty cracks down on chop shops and eyesores. Barry called Fenty's regulations impossible for honest dealers to stay in business.

On Tuesday, Barry attempted to get the council to shorten his beloved summer jobs program after last year's overspending and this year's budget woes. Barry proposed cutting the program from 10 weeks to six weeks because there isn't enough money in the budget to pay the kids.

Barry's proposal failed to get the necessary nine votes to make that happen. Other council members said it was too late in the year to make such a drastic change and that they'd help find the money to fully fund the program.

Barry had company, though, in disbelieving public school enrollment estimates from the mayor's office. Plenty of council members agreed that there was no proof that enrollment would reach those levels, so $27 million in funds were held back. (Most of that was restored Tuesday.)

Guess Barry misses battling with former Mayor Anthony Williams. Or maybe he's jealous of -- or simply inspired by -- Fenty's feuds with the council.


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Eh, beats paying taxes, at least.

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