Pickup Truck Ends Up on 2 Wheels After Driver Tries to Squeeze Past Stopped School Bus

A pickup truck scraped the side of a Loudoun County school bus Tuesday morning, ending up on two wheels after the driver tried to squeeze past the stopped bus.

There were three students aboard the bus at the time of the minor crash, which happened when the two vehicles encountered each other on a narrow area in the 38800 block of Ash George Road in Lovettsville, Virginia, shortly after 7:15 a.m.

The school bus stopped to try to let the pickup pass, but the pickup ended up scraping the side of the bus, said a spokesman for the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office.

Two of the pickups' wheels came to rest on the slope of an embankment.

The driver's mirror scraped the side of the bus, said Loudoun County Public Schools spokesman Wayde Byard.

Both vehicles received very minor damage, and no one was hurt, Troxell said.

In cases where two vehicles can't fit on a two-lane road, the smaller vehicle is supposed to be the one to go back, authorities said.

There are no charges at this time.

While authorities initially called the vehicle an SUV, Loudoun County Sheriff's Office spokesman Kraig Troxell later confirmed the vehicle was a Ford F-150.

Jack Heinbaugh contributed to this report.

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