Extreme Makeover: You Edition

Sick of putting on makeup? Make someone else do it

A lobbyist and a prosecutor open a beauty store.

No, that's not a punch line, it's Bellacara (1000 King St., Alexandria). The home to all things hair and makeup -- think Alchimie Forever, Bumble and Bumble and T. Le Clerc -- is hosting Paula Dorf makeup artists this Saturday, March 28, and if you hurry up, you could score a free makeover.

Before you do anything else today (close the Facebook window and back away sloooooowly), call 703-299-9652 for an appointment. The artists will be working their groove thang from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Old Town. After your makeover, avoid doing anything that could make you sweaty (oh well, you really didn't want to work out anyway, right?) and you'll have a great new look to display on Saturday night.

Paula Dorf herself developed her makeup and brush line while styling for album covers and music videos in '80s- and '90s-era New York City. We're going to give her the benefit of the doubt that this DOESN'T mean you'll come out with feathered hair and blue shadow up to your eyebrows. Although that certainly would be a makeover of sorts.

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