Fenty Responds to Haiti Disaster

Mayor: "We're going to do our part"

D. C. Mayor Adrian Fenty said the District is "going to do our part" in helping the people of Haiti suffering the effects of the devastating earthquake.

Speaking on News4 Today’s weekly “Connecting with the Mayor” segment, Fenty said that the D.C. government Web site has information on what citizens can do to help and where they can go to find out information.

Without specifying precisely what the District might do to help, he said, “I’ll wait to see what other big city mayors are doing, and then we’ll come up with whatever relief plan is appropriate.”

For complete coverage of the Haiti earthquake, click here.

For a list of ways you can help, click here.

Other District News

Fenty also reaffirmed his hope and belief that March 2 will be the day on which gays and lesbians will be able to get married in the District. The gay marriage law, passed by the Council and signed by the mayor, is still under scrutiny by Congress, but Fenty said, “Hopefully the majority of Congress will support what we did.”


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The mayor also responded quickly to an e-mail question and request from a News4 viewer who was concerned about pedestrian safety at 14th and U Streets.

The viewer asked that crossing guards be placed at that intersection. And, as of Wednesday night, a crossing guard was there on the spot.

“That’s why we come on these shows and get good feedback from the community,” Fenty said.

He said there are now between 100 and 200 such traffic control officers on duty in the District, and they have been placed under the auspices of D-Dot to “professionalize” them, even giving them powers to write “smaller tickets,” for example, for people who fail to yield to pedestrians. 

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