
Snapchat Introduces Tool to Help Young People ‘Run for Office'

"If Snapchatters want to make sure that the issues they care most about are represented by leadership, then they need to run," a Snap executive said

Snapchat released a tool Tuesday called Run for Office to help young people who have political aspirations learn what steps they'll need to take to run in local elections.

Run for Office will help eligible Snapchat users, many of whom skew younger, find local races they are eligible for that pertain to their interests, the platform said.

"If Snapchatters want to make sure that the issues they care most about are represented by leadership, then they need to run," Sofia Gross, Snap's head of policy partnerships and social impact, said

The tool, powered by BallotReady, which curates information from election websites across the country, will walk them through what they'll need to do to become candidates. Users will also be able to nominate friends who they think would be good fits for particular offices.

Gross said young users are politically active, especially with voting.

Read the full story on here. 

At issue is whether public schools can discipline students like 14-year-old Brandi Levy over something they say off-campus.
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