Cronut Bakery Passes Inspection, Cleared to Reopen After β€œMouse Infestation”

Cronut fans can resume their quest for the famed pastry, as the Dominique Ansel Bakery in SoHo was cleared to reopen Monday afternoon after being shut down for a "severe mouse infestation." 

The bakery says it's opening its doors at 8 a.m. Tuesday. 

The shop was closed Friday after the Health Department began investigating a YouTube video showing a mouse scurrying across the floor of the Spring Street store. 

The health department said inspectors found several hundred mouse droppings at the store that day.

The bakery passed its reopening inspection on Monday, a spokesman for the Health Department said.

In a message posted on its Facebook page, the bakery said: "We are deeply sorry for any disappointment that we may have caused you. Taking this opportunity, we have completely fortified our facilities with a full reconstruction and re-cementing, taking every issue seriously in an effort to provide an even more pristine environment for our guests."

It also suggested the YouTube video was a "cruel and sensationalized attack... not framed in the proper context." 

The shop has become famous for its croissant-doughnut hybrid and, more recently, the cookie-milk shot creation. 

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