Metro (WMATA)

Gun ad on 3rd-party Metro app grabs attention

NBC Universal, Inc.

A gun advertisement on a third-party Metro app draws scrutiny given the number of deadly shootings on the transit system over the past year.

The ad on the DC Metro and Bus app, where riders can check when the next train or bus is coming, promotes concealed carry of a firearm.

"That's uncomfortable,” rider Autumn Stockwell said. “Personally, I'd rather people not be carrying concealed carry at all."

DC Metro and Bus is not an official Metro app. Third-party developers can use Metro's publicly available data to create their own apps. There are several, and they can advertise what they like.

"From my standpoint, I have no problem with the ad,” said attorney George Lyon, who is suing Metro to allow concealed carry in D.C.

“I think people should be able to carry on the Metro … There's no doubt that there are people carrying guns on the Metro, and they’re not my law-abiding, licensed conceal carriers. They are people generally with criminal records."

According to Metro's figures, crime is down by almost 20% compared to last year, and riders have noticed.


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"I know they've been having a lot more police at certain stops," rider Theo Thomas said.

News4 reached out to the third-party app where the ad appeared and the advertiser but has not yet heard back.

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