Maryland is known for many things: Old Bay, sports teams with birds for mascots, experiencing every season in one day, etc. But above everything else, Maryland is most famous for its crabs.
National Harbor (137 National Plaza, Fort Washington, Md.) is celebrating the crabby lifestyle with its Chesapeake Crab & Beer Festival. Prepare to gorge yourself with booze and crustaceans from 11 a.m.-9 p.m. on Aug. 17.
The event will feature more than 50 beers and wines, as well as a few spirits. Crabs will be served six at a time per person and vary in size from medium to extra-large.
If crab isn’t your thing – in which case, why are you going to crab fest? – there will also be plenty of other food options like hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages and barbeque.
There will also be live music and, according to the event’s website, “enough crab paper to stretch all the way across the Potomac and back.”
There are multiple pricing options depending on how much you are willing to spend on beer and crabs:
• Four-Pack Exclusive Reserved Platinum Group Tent Package for $476: all you can eat and drink, reserved tented table and attendants to help you with your mountains of food and alcohol
Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia local news, events and information
• Two-Pack Exclusive Reserved Platinum Group Tent Package for $238: same thing, just for half the people
• Gaylord Room and Ticket Package for $396 per room: includes one night of deluxe accommodations at Gaylord National Resort and two VIP Crab Fest tickets
• VIP Crab and Beer Fun Day Package for $89 in advance or $110 on site: all you can eat and drink and guarantees you seating under a tent
• Beer Only Fun Day Package for $39 in advance or $50 on site (limited): all you can drink only; can buy crabs ala carte; seating provided but not guaranteed
• Kids Crab Only Package for $35 in advance or $40 on site: all you can eat and guaranteed seating under a tent for kids ages 13-20
• Kids 12 and under get in for free!