“Slow Down, Move Over” Law Amended

Va. law now includes tow truck drivers and maintenance crews

If you notice a police car pulled off to the side of the highway with its siren or lights on, you're legally obligated to either move one lane farther away or slow down.

That’s been the law in Virginia for five years.
Well, hear this: On July 1, the General Assembly expanded the so-called “Slow Down, Move Over” law to protect other workers as well. The law now covers tow truck drivers and highway maintenance workers at the side of the road.
If changing lanes would be unreasonable or unsafe, then just slow down.
So how are you supposed to know -- for sure -- if a vehicle falls under the law?
Check out the lights.
Blue and red lights are used on police, fire and rescue vehicles, and amber lights are used on tow trucks and highway maintenance vehicles. If the lights are flashing you must – that’s right – slow down and move over.
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