Bishop Asks Anti-Gay Activists to Stop Sounding So Racist

Conservative Bishop Harry Jackson knows same-sex marriage opponents aren't inherently racist. They're just inherently conservative, which means they oppose President Barack Obama, which means they frequently sound racist, which, of course, is the No. 1 reason people criticize the president.

And Jackson fears that will keep other black clergy away from his anti-gay organizing, Right Wing Watch reported. So Jackson asked the participants of the Values Voter Summit to quiet their anti-Obama position.

Playing the Religious Right Pied Piper himself, Jackson warned about people who are easily led, remembering the joy with which he saw a black woman, who likely never met the Rev. Jerry Falwell, dance upon hearing the news of his death. Don't be easily led into anti-Obamaisms the same way that woman likely was lured into hating Falwell.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll found that 49 percent of voters nationwide support same-sex marriage, but only 42 percent of African-Americans supported it, and according to census data, the left-leaning District is 55 percent black. Though blacks tend to side with Democrats, that tendency to oppose gay marriage is why conservative groups want any same-sex marriage legislation in D.C. to be decided by referendum. Let the majority black population of the city strike down laws that would allow men to marry men and women to marry women.

But if the same people who are trying to block gay marriage are attacking the nation's first black president, Jackson may just lose those votes.

In his speech Saturday, Jackson also declared gays are God's enemies and should be struck down. We'll leave that up to God.

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