Alexandria Police Department Mourns Officer Who Died From COVID-19 Complications

The department draped flowers over Edward Bonds' car in remembrance of his life and memory.

Alexandria, Virginia, parking enforcement officer Edward Bonds died Thursday of COVID-19 complications. He was 52 years old.

Bondsโ€™ family and the Alexandria Police Department mourn the beloved parking enforcement officer who loved his community and the people in it.

โ€œEddie lived every day to the fullest,โ€ said Corey Bonds Sr., his brother. โ€œHe lived every day like it was his last.โ€

Bonds worked at the police department for 21 years and was beloved by his community.

Alexandria Police Department officer Jaleesa Morris remembers โ€œhis charming smile (and) his fun attitude.โ€

โ€œHe was a jokester, loved to have fun, always singing in the hallways and just always a friendly person (and) friendly coworker,โ€ Morris said.

Bonds was also known for his passion for football. According to the Alexandria Police Department, he coached for the T.C. Williams High School football team and was a die-hard Dallas Cowboys fan.

At the police department, officers draped his car windshield with flowers in remembrance of his life.

โ€œHe tried to bring a smile to everyoneโ€™s face that he met,โ€ said Alexandria Police Department Officer Curtney Taylor. โ€œ(He) could easily befriend anybody โ€” could hold a conversation with anybody. Itโ€™s going to be a huge loss for the department.โ€

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