Sam Ronson's Attorney: ‘(She) Has No Plan To Request A Restraining Order'

Despite an inquiry by the Ronson family about obtaining a restraining order against Lindsay Lohan, Samantha Ronson's attorney says his client is not seeking one.

"Samantha has no plan to request a restraining order," Ronson's attorney, David Bass, told People. "There is no basis for one."

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A source close to Sam also told People that the celebrity DJ was not involved in contacting the police.

"Sam does not want a restraining order against Lindsay Lohan," the source told the mag. "Sam had nothing to do with the restraining order against Lindsay that the police are talking about."

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Adding, "Sam and Lindsay are broken up, but Sam does not feel she's in any danger whatsoever. She thinks the whole thing is absurd. "

As previously reported on, things escalated last Friday between Lindsay and Sam after the actress was reportedly banned from Sam's twin sister, Charlotte Ronson's, "I Heart Ronson" for JCPenney party at the Chateau Marmont.

On Monday, Charlotte and her mother, Ann, went to a Beverly Hills Police Station inquiring about a restraining order, Access Hollywood learned. Additionally, Sam's mom was reportedly overheard at the police station accusing Lindsay of being a cutter.

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"Members of the family came in to ask about a restraining order," a Beverly Hills Public Information Officer confirmed, though they declined to say which members of the Ronson family specifically made the visit.

An officer who spoke to Access on Monday night about the Ronsons' police station visit confirmed that a magazine reporter from OK!, which first reported the restraining order story, was present when Samantha's family members came in. When contacted by Access Hollywood on Tuesday, Ann Ronson said she was in New York on Monday night.

In a message from Lindsay to Samantha on Twitter over the weekend, the actress suggested the DJ's friends would be speaking to the media about their troubled relationship.

"im doing this publicly because u&ur friends call people mag," Lindsay reportedly tweeted. "so-you win, you broke my heart. now go away. i loved you."

Monday's visit by the Ronsons to the police station capped off several tumultuous days for the two women.

Over the weekend, Lindsay was captured on camera, gathering her belongings from Samantha's home. Lindsay's sister, Ali, and mom, Dina, came with her for support. And Lindsay's family was again by her side, as Dina accompanied Lindsay as the two stepped out to Hollywood club H-Wood Monday evening.

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