With the success of "Twilight," Kristen Stewart knew she'd be back for the sequels – but she told Access Hollywood on Sunday that she's glad to have company.
"We're so proud of [Taylor Lautner]," she said at the junket for her latest film, "Adventureland." "It's been a year since we shot the last one and he's been working on it the entire time. Not just physically — he's gotten buff and everything but he's [also] so [into] it."
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Taylor, who played Jacob in "Twilight," earned the role again for "New Moon" after putting on over two dozen pounds of muscle to play the character as he grows into a large werewolf in the sequel.
And "New Moon" will feature new additions as well — Dakota Fanning has joined the cast of the film, news which Kristen thinks is "awesome."
VIEW THE PHOTOS: Dakota Fanning
"It's cool to have small characters be really vivid and have them stick out," she said. "I feel like she'll do something really interesting with it. It's a crazy character she plays."
Dakota is set to play Jane, a pint-sized Italian Volturi vampire.
But while "New Moon" begins filming later this month, Kristen's latest movie is a little different than the "Twilight" saga's vampire romance.
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"It's similar [to] like 'Say Anything,' a lot of the John Hughes movies," she said of the '80s-set film.
"Adventureland," which co-stars Jesse Eisenberg, Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig, is due in theaters April 3.
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MORE ACCESS ON THESE TOPICS: Kristen Stewart - Twilight - Dakota Fanning - Taylor Lautner - Movies