The recession has taken its toll on local governments -- people are making less money and, in turn, are spending less money and paying less taxes.
The city of Rockville has launched a campaign to try to turn their economic woes around. Officials are appealing to residents to help Rockville get through the recession.
"Buy Rockville" encourages residents to support locally-owned businesses, many of which say there's little to celebrate this holiday season.
Carlos Aulestia has been forced to lay off three employees at the Toy Kingdom after business dropped 25 percent.
Aulestia says there's still hope -- 40 percent of sales are made in the next three weeks, and sales this Christmas season could make or break his toy store.
To help Toy Kingdom and stores like it, while padding city coffers in the process, civic leaders are pushing the "Buy Rockville" campaign, asking customers to shop locally and keep revenue inside city limits.
"Every dollar spent changes hands eight times, so it really is an economic development tool, and it provides people jobs," Rockville Mayor Susan Hoffman said.