Fertile Ladies Feel Pretty — and Less Monogamous

New study says women packing reproductive hormones more likely to cheat

Your fertility level controls how pretty you feel, and may inspire you to go off in search of ever more desirable men, according to a new study published by the crack research team at the University of Texas at Austin.

Apparently, when young women are packing plenty of an oestrogen known as estradiol (which spikes when ladies are oozing with "reproductive health") they feel hot. So hot, in fact, that they're "not easily satisfied by their long-term partners," and reported "a greater likelihood of flirting, kissing and having a serious affair with someone other than their primary partner and were marginally more likely to date another man," according to the study's literature in the Royal Society Journal Biology Letters. Not only were the study's hopped-up-on-hormones women more likely to call themselves attractive, other people found them hotter, too.

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