Storm Team4

Storm Team4 forecast: Sunshine for Father's Day weekend before dangerous heat hits

Storm Team4 has the weather forecast for D.C. Maryland and Northern Virginia

NBC Universal, Inc.

4 things to know about the weather:

  1. Super weather weekend ahead
  2. Saturday low 80s, with low humidity
  3. Father’s Day sunshine abounds
  4. First heat wave begins Monday, will last throughout the work week

The cold front that brought storm concerns north of D.C. on Friday will lead to a beautiful Father’s Day weekend.

Humidity levels will be low all weekend with a gorgeous breeze on Saturday. Mornings will be comfortable with temperatures starting in the 60s and afternoon highs warming into the low 80s -- below normal for this time of year.

Winds from the northwest will be refreshing with 10-20 mph. Father’s Day will be fantastic with sunny skies with highs in the mid-80s.

The entire Washington Capitol Region will experience abundant sunshine, pleasant temperatures and low humidity.

Next week we will be dealing with a prolonged period of high heat and humidity. Highs will be in the mid-90s with overnight lows only in the 70s. In addition to the heat, there are little to no chances for rain.

If our forecast verifies and we have seven days at 94º or higher, it would be the hottest streak since 2016. We are not accustomed to heat like this as summer gets underway so plan to take it easy throughout the week. This “stale” and dry pattern could also lead to poor air quality and drought conditions.

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10-day forecast


Mostly sunny
Low humidity
Winds: NW 10 – 20 mph
Highs: Low 80s

Partly cloudy
Wind: NW – 10 mph
Low: Lower 60s

Mostly sunny
Winds: West 5 – 10 mph
Highs: Low – Mid 80s

Mostly Sunny
Sunshine, getting hotter
Winds: SSW 5-10 mph
Highs: Mid 90s

Sunny, HOT, Humid
Winds: SW 5-10 mph
Highs: Mid 90s, Heat Index near 100 degrees!

Sunrise 5:40 | Sunset 8:48

Average High: 86 | Average Low: 68

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