With the Wizards official media day coming up this Monday, the press and public are going to be hot and heavy for all the juicy details concerning Gilbert Arenas's month long "time-out" at a halfway house.
But huff and puff away. NBA Commissioner David Stern has advised the Wizards' brightest star not talk about his felony gun conviction, the subsequent 50-game suspension, 2-year probation and, yes, not even his "time-out."
"The commissioner spoke to Gilbert,'' NBA spokesman Tim Frank said. "His message was: 'You've paid your price, you're back in good standing, and don't feel obligated to talk about the past.'''
Arenas brought four guns to the Wizards locker room last December after getting into a fight with a teammate over a card game. Yesterday, Stern spoke to the Washington Post in a phone interview explaining why he wants Arenas to stay mum.
"It's time to move on, rather than obsess about the past," Stern said. "It's just that it's been discussed, and discussed, and discussed. It's been written about, and written about, and written about on each occasion - his release, his sentencing, my ruling or what have you - and at some point, it's time to move on. I think he's entitled to do that. And I'm supportive of him. We're lucky he's well and we like the way he's worked with various groups over the summer. And we think it's time. Millions and millions of dollars later, and a new season later, I think it's time to move on. And that's what I told him."
Frank reiterated that Stern's suggestion was not a gag order, but rather a gesture to let Arenas know he had the support of the commissioner if he didn't want to talk about his conviction.
But never say never. Someone, somewhere may just get the exclusive.