WASHINGTON -- If Albert Haynesworth is a bust on the field, Skins fans will be positively giddy with all the self-righteous Snyder-bashing they'll have earned. If Haynesworth is All Pro, well, the debate will continue: Did he earn his $100 million contract?
His former team -- the Tennessee Titans -- wasn't going to pay him anything close to the $100 million over seven year, with $41 million guaranteed, that Danny Boy coughed up, Nashville City Paper reported. The Titans offered $34 million over four years with about $20 million guaranteed, according to league sources.
That's the Titans' approach: Don't let the market determine a player's value, set the value yourself. As the City Paper noted, that approach got them a 13-3 record after they let defensive linemen Antwan Odom, Travis LaBoy and Randy Starks seek greener contracts. Of course, the Titans still had Haynesworth.
But that's not the only team that wanted Haynesworth for much less than the Redskins were willing to pay. Last month, NFL FanHouse reported the Giants were interested and made what General Manager Jerry Reese called a "good offer" but nowhere near within the FedEx Field of Snyder's offer.
Eh, it's Danny's money. Remember that when you're paying for parking next season.
And no, we have no intention of avoiding puns on Albert's last name.