Tommy Bowden has been good to us over the years. Not Clemson football, necessarily, but us writers and pundits fortunate enough to make a few dollars documenting the highs and lows of college football.
Today is most decidedly a low for coach Bowden, late of Clemson. And its a sad day for us too, as we won't have coach to kick around anymore. There won't be a "last press conference" and it's doubtful Bowden rises like a phoenix just a few years later to ascend to something like the Presidency.
But we've got photos. Lots and lots of photos. Our image service has been a rich depository of agonized Tommy Bowden photos. With coach gone and no longer wearing the Orange, we thought we'd share with you a few of our favorites. Brutal stuff, but we can't let this moment pass without sharing some of the archived goodies that made us laugh and longing to find a story to pair with the photo.
A fine gallery of misery, after the jump.

The all-timer. We couldn't use this one enough.

Yes, its possible to be alone in a crowd. Sigh.

The thrill is gone.

Howard Dean scream?

Penny for your thoughts?

Mournful, perhaps?


