Deadlifting Brides' Wedding Picture Goes Viral

Soon after exchanging their wedding vows on a dock in Brooklynโ€™s Prospect Park, Zeena Hernandez and Lisa Yang ditched their shoes and stepped up to an oriental rug.

Using mixed grips, the couple bent down, planted their feet and lifted a 253-pound barbell together for three reps in a tandem deadlift, NBC News reported.

"Individually, we are strong capable women, but together we are stronger,โ€ Hernandez, 27, told Womenโ€™s Health Magazine.

Eileen Meny, their wedding photographer, said, โ€œI've seen couples light candles, pour sand in a jar, and take shots of whiskey for unity ceremonies, but to do something so physical and unique to who they were as a duo was awesome.โ€

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