University System of Maryland officials expect an enrollment dip at the system's 11 schools this fall for the first time since the 1990s.
The Daily Record reports that the forecasts outlined at a Board of Regents committee meeting Thursday are attributed to a drop in high school graduates and other trends.
About 153,300 students were enrolled system-wide in fall 2013. By 2014, system-wide enrollment is expected to decrease by 1 percent, or about 1,560 students. But the dip is expected to be short-lived, with an 11.8 percent increase projected system-wide by 2023.
The biggest decline - 6.5 percent - is expected at the University of Maryland University College, which offers online programs. Increased competition is already hurting UMUC, with 6.1 percent fewer students enrolled in 2013 than in 2012.
University System of Md. Expects Enrollment Dip
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