Streetcar Crashes into Car While in β€˜Test Mode' on H Street

A streetcar in Washington crashed into a car on H Street while in "test mode,'' just two weeks before the transit line is slated to open.

D.C.'s Department of Transportation confirmed that a streetcar on the line that runs along H street and Benning Road in Washington -- and is not yet open to the public -- crashed into a car at the intersection of 6th and H streets on Saturday.

The streetcar was going between 7 and 9 miles an hour, eastbound on H street, according to the department.

A spokesman for the DC DOT told The Washington Post it was a "minor accident," and said it will not impact the line's opening, scheduled for the week of Jan. 19.

No one was hurt. D.C. police are investigating the cause of the crash and who was at fault.

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