Getting ready to load up on school supplies for back to school? In Virginia, you won't have to pay sales tax on many supplies during a sales tax holiday this weekend, while Maryland will have tax exemptions on some clothing and footwear during its tax free holiday.
The holiday will last from Friday, Aug. 5 through Sunday, Aug. 7 and includes certain school supplies, clothing and footwear. Some emergency-preparedness items and energy-efficient appliances also will be tax-free.
Tax exempt items in Virginia include:
Most school and office supplies, such as pens, loose-leaf paper, scissors, binders, backpacks, and construction paper, priced at $20 or less.
Clothing and footwear, priced at $100 or less per item or pair.
Batteries, flashlights, bottled water, tarps, duct tape, fire extinguishers, cell-phone chargers, smoke detectors, buckets, rope, and first aid kits, priced at $60 or less.
Gas-powered chainsaws, priced at $350 or less, and chainsaw accessories, priced at $60 or less.
Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia local news, events and information
Portable generators, priced at $1,000 or less.
Energy Star-labeled dishwashers, washing machines, air conditioners, ceiling fans, light bulbs, dehumidifiers, and refrigerators, priced at $2,500 or less.
WaterSense-labeled sink faucets, faucet accessories, aerators, shower heads, toilets, urinals, and landscape irrigation controllers, priced at $2,500 or less.
If you need more information, visit the Virginia Department of Taxation's web page.
Shop Maryland Tax-Free Week will last from Sunday, Aug. 14, to Saturday, Aug. 20. That tax exemption will only apply to clothing and footwear priced at $100 or less. The holiday does not apply to accessories.
For more information, visit the Comptroller of Maryland's website.