Questions About – How Do They Make “Corned Beef”, Programmable Thermostats, Where Does Lottery Money Go, Does Jello Go Bad, Is There A Guide For Scheduling Home Maintenance, What Happens To Leftover Food On Food Network

Ask Liz: 3/13/09

Programable Thermostat

Q: Does it takes as much energy to return a house to the desired temperature as it takes to maintain the desired temperature if you have a programable thermostat?

A: We took your question to the Alliance to Save Energy. It says it's a common misconception that a furnace works harder to warm a space after the temperature has been turned back. It says you can reduce heating costs up to 10-percent if your turn your thermostat back 10-to-15-degrees for eight hours a day. And the longer your house remains at the lower temperature, the more energy you save.

Lottery Money

Q: I am confused about where all the lottery money goes?

A: We inquired at the 3 local jurisdictions to get your answer. In DC, lottery proceeds go into the general fund for things such as education. recreation, parks and health services. In Virginia, all lottery proceeds are used for public education, kindergarten through 12th grade, And in Maryland, lottery proceeds go into the State's general fund to cover education, public health, human resources and public safety.

Corned Beef


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Q: What is done to beef to "corn" it? What is corning?

A: We found your answer at It says beef, usually brisket, is cured or preserved with "corns" or large grains of salt. This can also be done by pickling the beef in a salty brine for 3-to-10 days. And the term "corned beef" dates back to 1621.

Jello Expiration

Q: Does Jello have an expiration date?

A: We contacted Kraft Foods, which makes Jello, to get your answer.

Kraft says Jello has a "best when used by" date on Jello boxes. For instance, 23-NOV-09 followed by some numbers means use Jello by November 23, 2009. Kraft also says the general shelf life of Jello is about 24 months under favorable conditions meaning cool and dry.

Scheduling Home Maintenance

Q: I wants to know if there's a guide for scheduling routine home maintenance?

A: There is a free guide to home maintenance offered by The Federal Citizen Information Center. It's Spring suggestions include check your house for outside damage such as peeling paint and broken glass,

Check you door and window screens, and replace the filters on your air conditioners. You can find the guide at, and then search the information you're looking for.

Food From The Food Network

Q: What happens to all the food they fix on the Food Network TV shows. She says they wouldn't throw it out, would they?

A: We contacted the Food Network, and you can relax, they don't throw the food out. Food Network says it gives the food to City Harvest. City Harvest is a charity which picks up extra food and donates it to soup kitchens in the New York City area.

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