One person is dead and four others were injured after a vehicle crashed into a KFC in Landover, Md., at approximately 6:30 p.m. Monday.
Rose Smith said she was standing at the next door Citgo Gas Station, and saw a BMW speeding down Martin Luther King, Jr. Highway.
"When it hit the curb it went airborne. And flipped, flipped, flipped, flipped," said Smith.
It flipped into a sign, a fence, a large metal donation box and an SUV parked in the restaurant parking lot. The driver of the impacted SUV was not hurt.
"This is a pretty brutal scene," said Cpl. Evan Baxter of the Prince George's County Police.
Police said the driver was most likely going more than 100 mph. The crash scene was more than 100 yards long.
Prince George's County police identified the deceased as 29-year-old Hellena Louise Smith.
Smith was ejected from the vehicle and killed. Investigators said that a male passenger in the BMW was not seriously injured. Two other people on the scene were hurt, with non-life threatening injuries.
There is also some structural damage to the restaurant, which is located at 6701 Martin Luther King Jr. Highway, at the intersection of Sheriff Road. A collapse team was dispatched to stabilize the building and board up the restauarant's windows, which had shattered.
Police said speed was definitely a factor in the crash, and investigators were testing for alcohol on Tuesday morning.
Smith was ticketed on January 22 for speeding, driving 91 mph in a 55 mph zone.
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