Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine spent his Monday just stone cold signin' bills into law -- some good, some bad, depending on your political sensibilities of course! Let's examine two of them that are vaguely related to cars.
Before the new laws, a driver could text-message like the dickens, but could not protest abortions with the car's license plates.
The first law Kaine signed Monday was the text-messaging-while-driving ban.
Under Virginia’s ban, which goes into effect July 1, police can’t pull a driver over just for text messaging but instead need a more serious primary offense to justify the stop.
In other words, you can text-message all you want, but if that distraction causes you to run over someone, the new law gives officers the right to tell texters, "We told you so." Safety concern, resolved!
And the second law Kaine signed Monday:
Gov. Tim Kaine on Monday signed a bill that will allow Virginia motorists to obtain license plates with the message "Choose Life," joining 23 other states that issue plates with the pro-life slogan.
Kaine might get in some trouble here with his role as Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, because some people seriously care about what a few dopes have written on their license plates. "Not with my taxdollars you don't blah blah blah..." etc. etc. We're all just trying to get through the day here.
Jim Newell writes about motorcars for Wonkette and IvyGate.