Md. Gov. Turns to Technology to Push Death Penalty Repeal

O’Malley relied on an electronic approach to promote his agenda ending capitol punishment

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – Gov. Martin O’Malley continued his campaign to end the death penalty in Maryland with the help of technology.

The governor sent e-mails on Monday regarding the bill to about 60,000 people on his e-mail list. Constituents received the correspondence a day before the Senate is expected to employ a rarely used legislative maneuver to bring the bill before the full Senate, even though it failed by one vote in a Senate committee on Friday.

In the e-mail, O’Malley writes that Tuesday’s vote is expected to be “very, very close” and results may “hinge on last-minute decisions by a handful of senators.”

O'Malley also has been meeting with lawmakers to discuss the bill.

The legislation would replace capital punishment with life in prison without possibility of parole.

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