Justin Bieber Announces Song Title on Mural in Northeast D.C.

A message from Justin Bieber has appeared in an unusual way in Washington -- the pop star announced a new song title by having a mural painted alongside a Chinese takeout restaurant in Northeast D.C.

Bieber, whose album "Purpose" is expected to be released this month, commissioned 18 murals in cities around the world. Each work of street art reveals the name of a track.

The "What Do You Mean?โ€ singer posted photos of each mural on his Instagram account, listing only the city and leaving the exact locations of the art work a mystery.

The mural, which says "The Feeling," can be found on the 400 block of Rhode Island Avenue NE, just west of the Rhode Island Avenue Metro station, as The Washington Post was first to spot.

Jack Cheng, the manager of the restaurant Rhode Island Express, said a company contacted him and asked to paint the red and green mural. It was installed about a week ago.

"I had no idea it was for Justin Bieber. I didnโ€™t ever hear of that," he said. "Itโ€™s been pretty crowded since it went up."

Beliebers have been stopping by to take photographs of the mural but have complained that it's been blocked.

"People have been coming in and asking if I can move the cars parked in front of it," he said.

Other cities that are featuring Bieber's murals include places in the U.S., like Boston, Philadelphia and New York, along with Paris, London and Vancouver.

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