Working at the White House is paying off . . . for some of the president's staff.
The White House submitted its annual report to Congress this week, and it included the salaries of every White House employee. The highest salary: $172,200. The lowest salary: $36,000.
Twenty-two of the president's aides maxed out at the top of the pay scale, including Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, Director of Speechwriting Jonathan Favreau, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs and Senior Adviser Valerie Jarrett.
Other notables on the list: White House Social Secretary Desiree Rogers takes home $113,000 a year, while President Obama's personal aide Reggie Love brings in $102,000.
The President's personal secretary Katie Johnson (i.e., Mrs. Lanningham from "The West Wing") makes $75,000 per year.
Then there's Darienne Page. As the West Wing receptionist, she will take home $36,000 in 2009. That averages out, assuming Ms. Page has a 40-hour work week, to $18/hour. She's not the only one at the bottom of the food chain; the volunteer coordinator, a handful of staff assistant, and correspondent analysts make the same salary. You have to start somewhere, right?
President Obama makes $400,000 (plus room & board, of course).