Washington DC

British Pub in DC Opens Early for Queen Elizabeth II's Funeral Services

The bar has memorabilia of the queen all over its walls, and her legacy is something that customers want to pay tribute to

NBC Universal, Inc.

As Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral services got underway early Monday morning, at least one D.C. pub opened its doors so a crowd of customers could watch the historic ceremony.

The Queen Vic on H Street NE usually opens its doors on Monday at 5 p.m., but Sept. 19 is an exception. They opened 5:30 a.m. — more than an hour before sunrise — to give their customers a place to respectfully honor the queen’s life.

Mourners occupied almost every bar seat and several tables as the procession to Westminster Abbey began.

The staff spent several hours Sunday preparing to welcome patrons before the crack of dawn.

“She was able to reach a lot of people, so they want to have the space to celebrate [her] here in America. And just being The Queen Vic, we honor a lot of Europe’s history. I think it’s really important for us to do something for her,” bar manager Shavé Gardiner said. 

The bar has memorabilia of the queen all over its walls, and her legacy is something that customers want to pay tribute to.

“It’s very important to them,” Gardiner said. “We had a lot of phone calls about it and that’s why we implemented the ticketing program, and that sold out online. That was really, really big for us to make sure we are able to get as many people in as possible.”

The kitchen will be open from 5:30 a.m., but drinks won’t be served until 7 a.m.

Those who do attend can expect “a good environment, lots of love, lots of good energy, [and] good food. Just being a place to commemorate her life and her legacy,” Gardiner said. 

The bar has a maximum capacity of 130 people, and only ticketed guests will be allowed inside. Seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.

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