Although water service has been restored to most of Northwest Washington, a boil water advisory remains in effect and will likely last into Friday.
According to D.C. Water, the areas affected were west and southwest of Rock Creek Park. Those affected experienced low pressure water service and are still asked to boil their water as a precaution.
Approximately 1,100 customers were affected.
The advisory came after the Ft. Reno Pumping Station experienced a power outage that was isolated to the D.C. Water system.
D.C. Water is waiting on test results of the system, which are expected to arrive Friday.
Until then, customers should:
- Bring water to a rolling boil for 1 minute.
- Allow water to cool before using.
- Store cooled water in a clean container with a cover.
Customers should use cooled, boiled water or bottled water for:
- Drinking
- Brushing teeth
- Preparing and cooking food
- Making ice
- Giving water to pets