What You're Doing Tonight: 2/18

Lou Stroller: As a part of "Inside the Producer's Studio," producer Lou Stroller will be sharing clips and holding a talk at 6th and I. He's produced a number of notable films, including Scarface, The Rock and The Bone Collector. You can even ask him if Angelina Jolie really is that stunning in person. The event is free, but you may want to RSVP beforehand through the website. 7:30 p.m. 6th and I Synagogue, 600 I St. NW, Washington, D.C. For more information, click here.

Sonya Kitchell: When you've managed to grab Herbie Hancock's attention before you're even legal, you know you're doing something right. Kitchell is on the road promoting "This Storm," her second album, and her rich voice and impressive singer-songwriter capabilities make the $10 ticket seem like a steal. You can be one of those people who says "I remember when I saw her for only 10 bucks" when she hits the big time. 8 p.m. Jammin Java, 227 Maple Ave. East, Vienna, VA. Call 703-255-1566 for more information.

Martin's Tavern 75th Anniversary: It's not everyday somebody makes it to 75, and the feat is even more impressive when that somebody is a bar. Martin's, located in the heart of Georgetown, will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary with discounted drinks and menu items. No word if Obama will follow in the footsteps of 11 other presidents and stop by. 1264 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. For more information, call 202-333-7370.

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