As part of their 11-week tour, Wayne Static and his heavy metal band Static-X made a stop in D.C. April 28. The band’s fifth and newest full-length album, “Cannibal,” debuted at No. 36 on the Billboard Music Charts after its April 3 release, and is said to be a return to the band’s strictly metal roots. Michigan native and the band’s leader singer, guitarist, keyboardist and producer, Static, took a break from his tour to speak with DC Scene by telephone.
DC Scene:Where are you right now?Where are you right now?
Static: Columbia, S.C.
DC Scene: OK. So do you have a show there tonight? OK. So do you have a show there tonight?
Static: Yeah. We’re playing tonight.
DC Scene: How’s the tour going? How’s the tour going?
Static: It’s awesome. Every show’s been sold out or close to it. It’s the best tour we’ve ever done so far. The excitement level is crazy.
DC Scene: Why do you think that is? New album? Do you think a lot of people have your new album? Why do you think that is? New album? Do you think a lot of people have your new album?
Static: A lot of the fans do. I ask people while I’m on stage if they’ve got it and right now it seems like half the people raise their hands, which is pretty good.
DC Scene: Your record label gave you a lot of freedom on this new album. You produced it, right? Your record label gave you a lot of freedom on this new album. You produced it, right?
Static: Yeah.
DC Scene: You talk about it being a rawer-sounding metal record. Do you think one thing had to do with the other -- the freedom and the sound? You talk about it being a rawer-sounding metal record. Do you think one thing had to do with the other -- the freedom and the sound?
Static: Yeah, absolutely. We actually made this record without (the label’s) knowledge, even. They thought we were writing songs and making demos and we were actually recording the record. We paid for it ourselves and we presented it to them when we were done and said, “Here’s our record.” (Laughs) Yeah, lucky for us they liked it and agreed to put it out as is. That’s the way it was on our first album, the label had zero input. No one ever came to the studio. We totally did it ourselves and handed it to them.
DC Scene: And this was on “Wisconsin Death Trip?”And this was on “Wisconsin Death Trip?”
Static: Yeah. And “Machine,” as well -- the first two records. I think it’s so much better of a process when you’re not second-guessing yourself and, you know, wondering if the guys at the label are going to like this song or that song and what they’re going to say about it. I just figure it makes it a much more focused project when you can just go in and do it and not worry about what anyone else is going to think about it.
DC Scene: I read that you also tried to stay away from using too many metaphors in the songs on this album. Do you think that metal can sometimes get bogged down with too much of that? Was this kind of your response to people taking themselves too seriously? I mean, your song “Reptile” is about being eaten alive by a giant reptile. I read that you also tried to stay away from using too many metaphors in the songs on this album. Do you think that metal can sometimes get bogged down with too much of that? Was this kind of your response to people taking themselves too seriously? I mean, your song “Reptile” is about being eaten alive by a giant reptile.
Static: Yeah. I like to be entertaining. I’ve had this saying for years, which I think is so perfect for us: Most metal bands scream because they’re pissed off. I scream because it’s fun. I want our music to be fun. I want people to have fun banging their heads to it or driving fast or whatever they do while they’re listening to music, so the lyrics are going to reflect that as well. DC Scene: I don’t know if you read this, but in March there was a British study that came out that said out that the smartest and most gifted kids were metal heads. Did you hear about that? I don’t know if you read this, but in March there was a British study that came out that said out that the smartest and most gifted kids were metal heads. Did you hear about that?
Static: No. I didn’t. But that doesn’t surprise me.
DC Scene: They said they that it helps smart kids relieve the pressure of being gifted and not fitting in. Does that reflect growing up for you?They said they that it helps smart kids relieve the pressure of being gifted and not fitting in. Does that reflect growing up for you?
Static: Absolutely. Absolutely. I was a straight-A student and music for me was a release. When I was mad at my parents or whatever, I would just go in my room and turn on Ozzy really loud or something, you know? (Laughs) And that’s what metal is for kids, you know? DC Scene: So is writing a cathartic experience for you? So is writing a cathartic experience for you?
Static: I write now because I can’t help it. I don’t even know. I definitely get a lot of enjoyment out of it when I finish a song and realize that it’s something special, but it’s funny, nowadays I don’t really have to try that hard. I just can’t help it. I can’t help it but write songs. They’re just always in my head.
DC Scene: For “Reptile,” what kind of giant reptile were you picturing when you were writing that song? I’m thinking Komodo dragon. For “Reptile,” what kind of giant reptile were you picturing when you were writing that song? I’m thinking Komodo dragon.
Static: Um. Maybe like a prehistoric snake or something.
DC Scene: OK. Prehistoric. That makes sense, because I was wondering what the biggest reptile was out there. OK. Prehistoric. That makes sense, because I was wondering what the biggest reptile was out there.
Static: Yeah. I’m thinking some gigantic snake type thing.
DC Scene: Any other news you want to tell us about? Any other news you want to tell us about?
Static: I guess the only other big news is that we’re doing Ozzfest this summer. That should be announced in a few days now.
DC Scene: Great. Are you excited? Great. Are you excited?
Static: Yeah. Absolutely. We haven’t done it in six years, so -- looking forward to it.
DC Scene: Well, I think that’s all I have for now. Thanks for talking with me. Have a great tour. Well, I think that’s all I have for now. Thanks for talking with me. Have a great tour.
Static: Well, thank you.