Source: Shia's Hand Not Worse Than Thought, Surgery Planned

Despite an E! Online report claiming that Shia LaBeouf’s hand injury had turned into a more serious situation than expected, a source told Access Hollywood the actor is going ahead with a surgery that has been planned since September.

On Friday, E! Online reported that “Shia’s hand is totally shattered; it’s much worse than anyone thought,” forcing the actor to quit the upcoming thriller, “Dark Fields,” a source claimed.

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Yet today, a source told Access that the actor is going ahead with a second surgery needed for his hand as a result of his July 27 car crash, a surgery Shia had previously talked to Access’ Billy Bush about in September.

“It’s basically we propped it together so I could get through ‘Transformers’ and then I’ll go have another surgery and be back [to] 100 percent,” Shia told Billy two months after the accident.


Access’ source went on to say the recovery and rehabilitation time for the actor’s hand could take longer than his first surgery.

As previously reported on Access, Shia was not charged with drunken driving for his involvement in the traffic accident that badly injured his hand. A spokesperson for the Los Angeles County District Attorney said there was “insufficient evidence” to charge the actor.

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