Report: Paris Hilton & New Boyfriend Brawl In Miami

Paris Hilton and her new boyfriend Doug Reinhardt reportedly found themselves in a brawl with nightclub security early Friday at a Miami nightclub, according to RadarOnline.

The heiress and her new boyfriend were reportedly enjoying a night at the Fontainebleau hotel in Miami Beach when the alleged incident occurred. After Paris approached the DJ booth at the hotel's nightclub, asking the DJ to play a song by Madonna or The Black Eyed Peas, she was allegedly pushed by a bodyguard. Doug then reportedly told the man to not touch his girlfriend and the situation intensified.

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That's when the bodyguard and Paris' boyfriend begin to brawl. "I came to Paris' aid," Doug told the Web site. "I can't believe someone would do this to us, it's really scary," Paris added.

The fight ended after hotel security got involved. Police were called to the hotel but no charges were reportedly filed.

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Paris left the melee unscathed, but her boyfriend had a bloody lip. The couple told the Web site they plan to leave the Miami area as soon as possible.

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