Lindsay Lohan Offers Condolences Following Loss Of Former Co-Star Natasha Richardson

Lindsay Lohan has lent her voice to those mourning the loss of actress Natasha Richardson.

Lohan, who as a pre-teen actress starred alongside Richardson in the 1998 film, "The Parent Trap," released a statement to Access Hollywood on Wednesday evening.

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"She was a wonderful woman and actress and treated me like I was her own," Lohan's statement read. I didn't see much of her over the years but I will miss her."

Lohan also expressed her sympathies for Richardson's family as the actress leaves behind her beloved husband, Liam Neeson, sons Micheal Richard Antonio, 13, and Daniel Jack, 12, sister Joely Richardson, mother Vanessa Redgrave and aunt Lynn Redgrave.

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"My heart goes out to her family. This is a tragic loss," her statement concluded.

Richardson died on Wednesday following a skiing accident near Montreal on Monday. She was 45.

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