The New York Post reports that Kelly Rutherford, the willowy blond with the almost impossibly perfect skin who plays Lily Bass on the addictive hotbed of nastiness that is Gossip Girl, still breastfeeds her son, even though he's two years old. (And probably just a couple years shy of being given his own show, given the CW's increasingly cradle-robbing bent these days.)
You hear these stories every so often, about how a child is in third grade and still breastfeeding, and it does make one feel a touch queasy. But this tidbit has especially awesome details. So we present to you:
Five Things That Are Awesome About the Kelly Rutherford Breastfeeding Gossip Item
- The 40-year-old is pregnant again. Which means she'll probably be breastfeeding for the next decade, at least.
- Name of the son in question? Hermès. Yes, like the bags. (Also like the messenger of the gods in Greek mythology, but, come on: like the bags.)
- The two-year-old son in question is talking. We wonder if this is baby jibberish, or the ability to say "Mommy, this is just messed up."
- She doesn't just do it so little H will have a beefy immune system. Says Rutherford, "I was thinner after my pregnancy than before, and I think a lot of it was the nursing."
- The item ran with the headline "Udderly Icky." We hope someone got a fat handful of writer kibble for that.