Get Ready for “Heathers, the Musical”

Dark culty '80s fave to get the Hairspray treatment

Few movies have inspired as much devotion as the 1988 original mean-girls black comedy Heathers, with Winona Ryder and Christian Slater, about high school cliquishness taken to its logical, murderous conclusion. So it was just a matter of time (especially in this era overflowing with eighties remakes -- Fame, Footloose, you name it, they're remaking it) until a new iteration of Heathers loomed on the pop culture horizon. And -- surprise! -- it's going to be a musical.

The Hollywood Reporter says the production folks have been workshopping the new Heathers book for a while, with Veronica Mars' Kristen Bell in the lead. And they already have their eye on the movie that'll be based on the stage show. Read the full details here.

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