In what might be the food item least likey to ever get a celebrity stamp of approval, PETA unveiled its surprising – and somewhat disgusting – plans to create George Clooney–flavored tofu made from the actor's sweat, affectionately called "CloFu."
On Wednesday, the animal rights organization penned a letter to the actor detailing how and why "CloFu" will be made.
"We have been offered some of your perspiration, apparently taken from a towel at a gym in Washington, D.C.," PETA's letter to Clooney said. "The technology actually exists to take your perspiration and make it into George Clooney–flavored tofu (CloFu). We could do that and give the tofu away. Of course, your fans would swoon at the idea of eating CloFu, but what interests us most is that we would attract many people who don't try tofu because they worry that it would be bland or that they wouldn't know how to cook it. CloFu will help people be healthier and more environmentally friendly and will spare animals from being killed for the table."
A rep for PETA told Access, "We believe CloFu would be delicious on its own or served over rice with a light soy sauce and sauteed collards, in a casserole with melted vegan cheese and olives, or perhaps pressed with vegan pesto in a panini."
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The actor, on the other hand, was not so keen on the idea of "CloFu," telling The Washington Post through his rep, "As a mammal, I'm offended."
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