Dress as a Cow for Free Chicken

Cows eat free chicken

Disappointed Halloween comes only once a year? Well, dig out your cow costume, 'cause today, Chick fil-A is the place to be. In honor of their annual Cow Appreciation Day, you'll score a free combo meal if -- wait for it -- you show up dressed like a cow.

Starting at 11:30 a.m., walk into your local Chick-Fil-A dressed from head-to-hoof for your free chicken meal. All "attempts" are honored, they say. Those too chicken to dress like a cow can don a piece of cattle-related attire, such as a cowboy hat or bandana, and receive a free entrΓ©e.

Not sure how to dress like a cow if you don't have the costume? Well, rest assured; Chick Fil-A has provided suggestions for the less-imaginative, including wearing white and taping black construction-paper spots all over your body.

And nothin' says, "I will do anything for free food" like wearing unnecessary clothing during a heat wave.

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