DC Shorts FIlm Festival Kicks Off

Short Cuts: The DC Shorts Film Festival kicks off today, presenting 145 short films over 10 days in various movie houses throughout the city. Tonight, there are showcases at E Street Cinema (7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.) and Artisphere (6:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.) each offering about 8 boundary-pushing shorts.

Beat Freak: When Tittsworth isn't out getting inked up or trying the latest in bizarre foods, he's rocking crowds with a combination of high-energy house and hip-hop breakbeats. Tonight he plays his home venue, U Street Music Hall, with fellow DJs Klever, Steve Starks, and Billy the Gent. Tickets $5; 10 p.m.

Fashion-Forward: Ubiquitous party throwers Brightest Young Things are setting up an impromptu lounge at Dean & Deluca tonight during Georgetown's Fashion Night Out, serving up music by DJs Broads, St. Germain cocktails, and wine tastings for the shoppers, designers, and onlookers hanging out. Free; 6 to 11 p.m.

Going out can be a gamble, so why leave it up to chance? Stack the deck every day by peeping Play's Dance Card.

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