‘Idol's' Adam Lambert: ‘I Google Myself' (Dish Of Salt)

Last week season seven "American Idol," contestant Brooke White performed her new single on the show and had one piece of advice for the new season eight contestants: 'Don't Google yourself!'

Well, last Friday AccessHollywood.com's Dish of Salt, Laura Saltman, talked with the next three Top 12 Idols - Adam Lambert, Kris Allen and Allison Iraheta, and Adam admitted to Laura he just couldn't help himself.

VIEW THE PHOTOS: 'American Idol' Top 36 Semi-Finalists

"I have Googled myself. It's like market research. I don't take anything too seriously but I just think it's interesting to see the public perception. It's a part of our job, I think."

So, what has he discovered about how he is being perceived? Mixed reviews, he says. "It's a mixed bag. So we'll see but I have only sung for them twice."

VIEW THE PHOTOS: Access Hollywood's Laura Saltman At The 'American Idol' Experience

"It's a fine line because, obviously, you don't want it to affect you in a negative way. You just kind of have to put your force field up and take it with a grain of salt."

Meanwhile, if Adam Googles himself today he probably won't be too happy. The Web site votefortheworst.com has uncovered some less than flattering photos of him in various states of compromise and smooching another man.


VIEW THE PHOTOS: Former 'American Idols'

In the age of Facebook, Twitter and MySpace it's pretty difficult for things like this not to get out. So, you kind of have to just prepare yourself for it to inevitably make its way into the Blogosphere. What happens on Facebook does not stay on Facebook.

Some of the photos show Adam in various states of drag and who knows, we just might set some of this on "American Idol." Forget the fourth judge - now there is something different! I got the sense when I asked him about working with the show's stylists and if he will feel pressured by them that he has something up his sleeve and he's ready to shock the system.

"I get bored really quick with everything. So I will be costuming myself like crazy. I think I am going to be pushing them actually."

I personally could care less what he does on his own time. I'm not sure how the young girls, tweens and their parents will feel though so I hope this doesn't hurt his chances in the competition.

He's fun. He's flamboyant and he can sing. Let's just judge him on that please.

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