Did you know NBCWashington.com is twitterific?
Indeed we are. And we have several Twitter feeds to prove it.
Our main news feed gives you a sampling of everything our site has to offer. You may have known us before as "nbclocaldc," but we've switched to "nbcwashington" to make things simple. To follow, look for "nbcwashington" on Twitter.com or just click here.
We also have our main Around Town Twitter feed cranked up with the best deals and information to help you when you head out on the town. Look for "dcscene" on the Twitter or just click here to follow.
The News4 morning show team (Joe, Eun, Tom and Jerry) have a Twitter feed for those up early in the mornings. To follow the morning crew, search for "news4today" or click here.
The Daily Connection and News4 at 4 p.m. are also online. Follow the Daily Connection by searching "dailyconnection" or by clicking here. You can find "news4at4" on Twitter or just click here.
And then there's Liz Crenshaw. She's twitterific in her own right. The entire Consumer Unit tweets. Liz and Co. send out links to their stories, ask for help on special projects they're working on and listen in on what you're tweeting about. If you got a consumer problem, Liz can hopefully solve it. To follow Liz, just search for "LizCrenshaw" on Twitter or click here.