Clinton Calls Republican's Impeachment Pledge β€˜Pathetic'

Hillary Clinton dismissed a threat from a conservative lawmaker to impeach her on her first day as president if elected, a view she said must be "good politics with the most intense, extreme part of [Republican] base."

"Isn't that pathetic?" the former secretary of state said with a smile. "It's just laughable, it's so totally ridiculous."

The Democratic presidential front-runner was also forced to defend her husband's record on civil liberties issues including same sex-marriage in a wide-ranging, exclusive interview with MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Friday evening.

"I think that sometimes as a leader in Democracy you are confronted with two bad choices. It is not an easy position to be in, and you have to try to think what is the least bad choice, and how do I try to cabin this off from having worse consequences?" she said.

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