Police: Middle School Girl Sexually Assaulted on Fairfax County School Bus

Two 12-year-old boys facing sexual battery charges in the case

Two male middle school students are accused of touching a 12-year-old female student aboard a Fairfax County school bus, WTOP reported.

The boys, also both 12, are facing sexual battery charges in the case.

The alleged incident happened Nov. 16 aboard a school bus parked at Glasgow Middle School in Lincolnia, Virginia. Police told NBC Washington it appears that the driver was not on the bus at the time.

Students were in the process of boarding the bus when the incident allegedly happened. The girl told investigators that one boy slapped her on the buttocks and then grabbed her buttocks and breasts over a period of several minutes, the Washington Post reported. The girl yelled at him to stop, the Post reported.

According to the Post, the victim said the student held her down and straddled her. A second student held her feet down, the Post reported.

Police say that the crime is considered a sexual assault because of their ages and Virginia codes.

John Torre, spokesman for Fairfax County Public Schools, said the school was notified of the incident a day later, and officials immediately began investigating.

"The parents of students on the bus who witnessed the incident were immediately notified and appropriate disciplinary action was taken against the students involved," Torre said.

Although student disciplinary proceedings are confidential, the students involved were removed from classes and also had their bus privileges revoked, Torre said.

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