Richer Than Oprah

Ted Lerner has lots of dough

It must be nice to be Ted Lerner. Not only does the guy get great seats for each Nats game and all the food he can eat, he's insanely rich -- even richer than Oprah!

Forbes magazine released their annual list of the richest people in the world, and ol' Uncle Teddy pops up at number 191 with a paltry $3.1 billion. Yes, with a "B".

That makes Teddy the 101st richest American. 

If only you had a time machine to go back 60 years to become a mall developer, huh?

Teddy's in some pretty good company, and he's ahead of some names that surprise you, like George Steinbrenner, Steven Spielberg and Mark Cuban.

He's got enough money to buy Donald Trump ($1.6 billion) twice over.

Even in a down market, when the wealth of the world's billionaires lost 23%, savvy Uncle Teddy found a way to increase his wealth.


The team he owns reduced the opening day payroll last season and looks to be in the bottom half of the league again this year despite playing in a new taxpayer-funded stadium.

And his team didn't sign their first-round draft pick over a few hundred thousand last year.  Worse, they used the money they didn't spend on him to sign some other lower-round picks that the team claims they otherwise wouldn't have had the money for.

Sounds like a profitable strategy.

You probably don't get to be richer than Oprah without hoarding and accounting for ever last nickle, right?

Chris Needham used to write Capitol Punishment.  He could not find his name on the Forbes list.

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