Washington is becoming your capital for jersey fouls

Perhaps there's just too much disposable income in D.C., or surplus of mis-channeled creative energy. Whatever the reason, Washington Capitals fans are becoming the Outbreak monkeys of jersey fouls.

They've given us the "Pens Suck 78" sweater, and of course the now-infamous "McLovin 69" jersey. Over on the DC Sports Bog, Dan Steinberg published the image on the left, which seems to be a Capitals jersey endorsement of Gov. Sarah Palin's run for the presidency in 2012.

Thank god ... it had been a good two months since we witnessed the stomach-churning virtues of professional hockey mixed with electoral politics. Kudos to Steinz for this line: "I'll give 50 cents to the first person who sends me a photo of a Nader 04 Bullets shirt."

Meanwhile, our buddies at The Pensblog forwarded the image to the right. The e-mail that accompanied it claimed it was three Capitals fans at an Atlanta Thrashers/Pittsburgh Penguins game. So you have guys wearing the jerseys of a team not playing that evening (not necessarily a foul) but that are rivals of the home team (probably a foul), and one of them has a personalized sweater created solely to diss another team's star (total, epic foul).

Like we said about the Capitals' "Pens Suck" jerseys: It's "the admission of deep, psychological scarring on the part of your conference rivals and eternal tormentors." Or in this case, Sidney Envy.

(Thanks to Puck Daddy reader Rob for the Sports Bog tip, and to the Pensblog for the other thing.)

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