This is how a Mike Vick to the Skins rumor gets started.
First, a family member of the least camera-shy Skins players twitters: "Wondering why Michael Vick is in Lansdowne and even more, why was he at Buffalo Wing Factory in Ashburn earlier today??"
Second, a rumor-mongering Web site writes 800 words on the subject without any meaningful sourcing including:
"And we're beginning to pick up some subtle indications from a couple of sources with connections to the team that the Redskins should not be ruled out as potential suitors for Mr. Vick."
Third, have a local media outlet get reaction from Skins players, including Renaldo Wynn who says, "I would welcome him."
Fourth, have a popular local sports blogger collect all those links, stirring them up, helping to create buzz just by the sheer number of independent & unrelated connections.
So how soon 'til we see Oookie lined up behind center? How soon 'til Jason Campbell's shipped out of town? How soon 'til... Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
It's true that with Danny Snyder running things that you can never rule out even the most extreme and idiotic things. But there's no fire here, and certainly nothing that's even smoke. At best all these stories and the rumor are a few tiny sparks in a pile of wet kindling.
And if that weren't enough, now Danny's boy, Vinny Cerratto, is peeing on the campfire. He's saying "no" to the Vick/Skins quasi-rumors, according to Redskins Insider.
"Now, could Daniel Snyder do a deal with Vick's agent, Joel Segal (who also happens to represent Jason Campbell), without telling Cerrato? Anything is possible, but I don't see that happening. At this point, if Vick were bound for the Redskins, the executive vice president of football operations would know about it."
So why was Vick in Ashburn at Buffalo Wild Wings? Maybe he just had a hankerin' for some hot wings? For now, the fire of those spices is the hottest thing related to this rumor.
Chris Needham used to write Capitol Punishment. He's sure that Jason Campbell isn't too worried.