Disastrous Nats Infecting DC Politics

Mayor and Council fight over tickets to crappy baseball

As if DC politics didn't have enough problems, now Diamond City politicos are feuding over something as petty as Nats tickets.

Huh? Exactly.

Mayor Fenty, as part of the everlasting power battle between his office and the DC Council, seems to be withholding tickets allotted to the Council for spite.

The Nationals are supposed to provide tickets, according to the stadium lease, to the DC Sports & Entertainment Commission which in turn is responsible for dividing two 12-seat suites, along with 25 additional tickets, between the Mayor and the Council

Instead, the tickets are being sent directly to Fenty's lair in the Wilson Building, the ethics of which are questioned by We Love DC. Uncle Teddy Lerner must use a delivery service on par with the concession stands that run out of ballpark staples by the fourth inning.

Upon receiving the tickets, Fenty, as he did last year, is doing what he pleases, even if it means not giving them out at all. Who does this guy think he is? The Mayor for life? Bet he believes Clint, the in-game "talent", set him up.

So how does Fenty, who's pulling the equivalent of showing up the pitcher with a stare and dance as his home run ball falls short at the warning track, react when faced with tough questions on the issue from reporters? Evidently, "Mayor Blackberry" hits a dead zone of stammering and staggering. Slick Willie Adrian is not.

Of course the infamously inept D.C. Council isn't exactly helping their cause by threatening to introduce legislation to auction off theskyboxes to raise revenue for the city.

Yea, riiiiiight. Does the proponent, Kwame Brown, think fans will be chomping at the bit to overpay to see a gem of a team like the Nats? Not unless Kwame and Kasten rent a car and hit the road on the Phillies/Red Sox/Lovable LosersCubbies sales circuit.

With so many issues surrounding the Nationals on the field and off, continued absurdities should come as no surprise. One can only wonder what's next; a scandal involving Teddy the racing President might be just around the corner.

Kyle Weidie also writes Truth About It and contributes to Bullets Forever, both Washington Wizards blogs. He'll gladly take some tickets off the D.C. SEC's hands, especially if it means grubbing down on some suite food.

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