Is drinking beer and watching girls on wheels push each other around your idea of a good Saturday afternoon? Lucky you.
'Cause the DC Roller Girls are bringing the action to the DC Armory. But if you thought this roller derby was all about skating and pulling hair, slap yourself wrong.
If you were wondering, the ladies of the derby are not the "babes" of your imagination ... the DC Hooters is on 7th Street in Chinatown. Rather, these women range from graceful speedsters who can agilely make their way though a crowd, to the body bumpin' roughnecks who would make Rosie the Riveter run for cover.
These girls are tough, gritty, and most of all, competitive. By the end of the night, you'll be cheering the checks, impressed by the whips (not talking about Fred Smoot's ride), and wondering how the hell the jammer got past the pack.
Have no idea what you just read means? Don't worry, the cast and crew will take you though a full demonstration of the sport pre-match, making you abreast of the rules and regulations.
Want derby-side seats? Get there early to claim your spot in 'at your own risk' floor seats. No literally, they are on the floor. Inebriated beware, spill beer on the flat-track and you'll have to deal with the likes of Condoleeza Slice, Lois Slain or Dr. Skabs -- they don't take kindly to suds sticking to their wheels.
So grab the kids, grab the friends, grab the neighbors, grab that hot secretary in your office (wait, never mind...that's only if you're Don Draper), and head to the DC Armory tomorrow afternoon. You won't regret catching a sport with the motto, "With Liberty and Justice to Brawl."
When: This Saturday, March 14th
Where: The Metro accessible DC Armory
Time: Doors open @ 4 pm, Brawl starts @ 5 pm
Price: Adults $12, Kids $6, Babies free
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